Three of the best debates ever - and what you can learn from them

Debating is not about having the most logical argument, not upsetting your audience or being able to convince your opponent. Debating is about telling the better story, not being boring and evoking one single emotion that your audience will remember. 

Here are 3 examples of the best debating styles ever:

Example 1: Opening scene of Newsroom- "Why America is not the greatest country in the world":

What makes it great?

  • Political incorrectness
  • Using pauses for greater effect
  • Well memorized facts

Example 2: Brigitte Gabriel gives brilliant answer to Muslim woman about Muslim-extremists:

What can you take from this?

  • Prepare answers for difficult questions
  • Use repition the way Brigitte does (..."the peaceful majority is irrelevant")
  • Answer offensively rather than defensively

Example 3: Ashton Kutcher speech at the Teen Choice Awards (although its not a debate, it's a brilliant way of stating you story)

Why should you structure your speech like this?

  • People can only remember 3-4 points of a speech
  • Make it simple, simplicity allows people to associate with your message
  • Brutal honesty resonates with everyone
Next time you have to prepare for a speech or a debate, make sure your stories are real, you are prepared and that your message is simple.