Here are 3 examples of the best debating styles ever:
Example 1: Opening scene of Newsroom- "Why America is not the greatest country in the world":
What makes it great?
- Political incorrectness
- Using pauses for greater effect
- Well memorized facts
Example 2: Brigitte Gabriel gives brilliant answer to Muslim woman about Muslim-extremists:
What can you take from this?
- Prepare answers for difficult questions
- Use repition the way Brigitte does (..."the peaceful majority is irrelevant")
- Answer offensively rather than defensively
Example 3: Ashton Kutcher speech at the Teen Choice Awards (although its not a debate, it's a brilliant way of stating you story)
Why should you structure your speech like this?
- People can only remember 3-4 points of a speech
- Make it simple, simplicity allows people to associate with your message
- Brutal honesty resonates with everyone
Next time you have to prepare for a speech or a debate, make sure your stories are real, you are prepared and that your message is simple.